Session: The Bright Light

I share with you True Stories based on my Hypnotic Shamanic Journey sessions since 2006:
One day, I had my practice at some State Fair, and a group of high school students surrounded my booth. A few students wanted to have an experience with my free self-hypnosis short session, and I worked with them. They were satisfied with their feelings and left. About 30 minutes later, one returned to me and said he would like more experience. He had a school form with the emblem of some religious school. He did not accidentally return to me because he probably felt something should be more for him. I told him I would like to do something different for him to get what he wanted. He agreed, and I began my session. I deeply relaxed him, using various techniques to bring him to a special place. Then he told me he felt calm and peaceful outdoors on a sunny day. And I said, look around to find someone or something attracting your attention. In a few moments, he saw a bright white light shaped like a human body in front of him. I told him to get closer to find out who is this and make contact. Then I saw his impression on the face, and he said this is Jesus himself (!) Well, I said, please listen to Him what you have to know or learn privately, and he did it. Shortly, I finished my session. He looked calm, relaxed, and a little confused. And I asked him about his feelings after all. He smiled at me and said: “I am happy and pleased with his appearance.” We shook hands, and he left.