Session: His aura/chakras restoring

In my office, I provided a session for a student with his Aura/Ten Chakras restoration. He told me about his IBS issue for years, the grief for his past away father, and some more problems. I brought him to an alternate state and activated his inner resources for a successful session. He saw the aura color around his neck, abdomen, and legs as red, but his back was black. After cleansing and restoring his aura, he felt lighter, with a clear mind and no red color in those spots. He also saw how some negative energy subtles left his aura/body up for transmutation by St. Germain. And he felt only the top of his head had some hole for energy exchanging. I said that’s why we need to restore your ten charas; your Crown chakra is probably open too much. To learn what messages he received from his chakras about his issues, please listen to my 13-minute recording of that session.