Below audio recordings could improve your well-being and help your transition into the Higher Vibrations (if you want it). And it could be used by various ages of people. But if you’re going to be more specific with your issue and in a more profound state, I will be glad to assist you privately with my session for your success. So, trust your intuition, open your mind and enjoy.
(Pure Organic, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, Negativity-Free, 100% Wholeness, No Salt or Sugar added)
WARNING: Please consider your well-being feeling as complementary to your regular medical professional treatment/concern you have now, but not instead. Thank you for understanding.
ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Пожалуйста сочтите ваше общее хорошее состояние и чувства как дополнение к вашей регулярной медицинской профессиональной помощи, которые Вы имеете сейчас, но не вместо этого. Спасибо за ваше понимание.
Ваше облегчение стресса и само-восстановление (especially for Ukrainian people)
Дайте себе шанс расслабить ваши мышцы, нервы и сознание, чтобы снять свое напряжение, заботы, зажимы в теле, и т.д. Это должно быть безопасное, и удобное место, так чтобы ничто не могло потревожить вас в течение 40 мин. Я рекомендую использовать наушники для лучшего эффекта и результата, и вы можете удобно сидеть или лежать. Никакой специальной подготовки, но только следуйте моим простым инструкциям и используйте свое воображение для вашего успеха. Верьте в свои возможности что вы это можете сделать. Поэтому пожалуйста расслабьтесь и наслаждайтесь этим состоянием.
Clear Your Surrounding from Negativity:
Play these natural sounds full-time (21 min) and pretty loud (better with 2-4 external speakers facing in a different direction out). If you or pets stay there, it cleanses you as well. And the active area with radius from speakers is about 22 feet (~7 meters). For the first time, I recommend playing full recording 5-7 times for each spot in your house, apartment, private office, or car. In this case, you will cover all your living areas, including opened closets, bathrooms, attic, etc. After that, play it when you feel you need it, but a minimum one time per week, especially after your guests or visitors with attitudes. Please keep your intention to clean and energize those areas at the beginning, and you can ask respectfully your Higher Sources to help you with that as well. Tips: from time to time, use a white sage smudging also. Good luck!
Your Self-Hypnosis for a Deep Relaxation:
Give yourself a chance to relax your muscles, nerves, and mind to release your stress, worries, tension, body discomfort, etc. It should be a quiet, worry free, secure, and comfortable place so that nothing could disturb you during 20 min. And please NEVER play it when you drive a car. I recommend to use headphones or stereo speakers around for better effect and result, and you can sit back or lay down comfortably. No special preparation, but be ready to follow my instructions and guided imagery for your success. And believe in yourself and what you do. So, please relax and enjoy it.
Ваш Самогипноз для Глубокого Расслабления (in-Russian):
Дайте себе шанс расслабить ваши мышцы, нервы и сознание, чтобы снять свое напряжение, заботы, зажимы в теле, и т.д. Это должно быть тихое, безопасное, и удобное место, так чтобы ничто не могло потревожить вас в течение 25 мин. Я рекомендую использовать наушники или стерео около себя для лучшего эффекта и результата, и вы можете удобно сидеть или лежать. Никакой специальной подготовки, но только следуйте моим простым инструкциям и используйте свое воображение для вашего успеха. Верьте в свои возможности что вы это можете сделать. Поэтому пожалуйста расслабьтесь и наслаждайтесь этим состоянием.
Your Deep Night Sleeping:
Good night sleeping relaxes your muscles, nerves, and mind to release stress, worries, tension, body discomfort, etc. And please NEVER play it when you drive a car. I recommend using your mobile phone with Bluetooth stereo speakers around your bed for better results. No special preparation.
Meet & Greet Your Inner Child:
Give a chance to meet your inner child, greet him and see his emotional expression on the face. If you meditate, bring his image again to contact him and find his childhood problems. Help him to cure them if you can. But if not, contact me for a session. It should be a quiet, worry-free, secure, and comfortable place so that nothing could disturb you for 20 min. And please NEVER play it when you drive a car. I recommend using headphones or stereo speakers around for better effect and result, and you can sit back or lay down comfortably. No special preparation, but be ready to follow my instructions and guided imagery for your success. And believe in yourself and what you do. So, please relax and enjoy it.
MY MANTRAS for YOUR ONENESS: I created these mantras with the assistance of St. Germain (Violet Flame/Cleansing), Master Hilarion (Green Flame/Healing), and Serapis Bey (Pure White Flame/Purifying). You could meditate with great visualization (or deep relaxation, self-hypnosis), listen (with headphones), or chant with a recording as many times as you need. Please trust your intuition about how you do. Enjoy!
Squeeze Your Sponge:
This recording is the best for caregivers, medical nurses, alternative healers, etc. Give yourself a chance to heal yourself before continuing to heal others. Clear, balance and energize yourself from time to time for your better results. It should be a quiet, worry-free, secure, and very comfortable place so that nothing could disturb you for 15 min. And please NEVER play it when you drive a car. I recommend using headphones or stereo speakers around for better effect and result, and you can sit back or lay down comfortably. No special preparation, but be ready to follow my instructions and guided imagery for your success. And believe in yourself and what you do. So, please relax and enjoy it.
For Nan only: