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I received this review from Rachael on my website Contact page after my spiritual practice at Church Spirit Fest in Roanoke, VA, 06/09/24:                                                                                                                                                                                        “Dear Vladimir, It was such a wonder full moment to meet you and trust you to guide me on my past life regression journey. I met my wonder full soul mate, my former beloved BlueBeary Siamese cat! What an extraordinary vision of the Akashic record reading received the previous day! Thank you for your wonder full willingness to be the helping hand of healing body, mind, soul, and spirit!”
I received this review on my Facebook comments after my spiritual practice at Spirit Fest in Lakeland, 01/08/22:
Sofia S. Taylor:   How do I find out my life’s purpose in this time & space?    Me:   Well, it is not in books or on TV. And as I know and practice for my clients, it is one way only, but from your higher sources because they know your soul, and you can trust them. Namaste.    Me:   Dear Sofia, thank you for having the session with me in Lakeland and for your feedback. Be happy! And God bless you too.    Sofia S. Taylor:   Thank you for your guidance and help always grateful  Me:   Please, use my Self-Cure page because you need it.  Namaste.
“Thank you for what you do! You helped my Daughter a great deal!  My       Husband and I will be seeing you too!”, Shelly Bloomer, Facebook, 10/15/21. 
In June 2021, I had a session with a middle-aged woman, helping her restore all ten chakras & aura inside the pyramid in my office because she had some issues on her physical level. And one week later, I text her about my follow-up and below our actual communication using mobiles.
Me:   “Dear Kendra J., please text me how you feel after our session.”
Her text 1:   Hello. I have been feeling more clear. More energetic, definitely more relieved, and less pressure/stress! I feel like all the negative emotions I felt I have let go of and not stuck. Now I feel like I’m more of in a place of healing. Also, I have been getting many messages that have to do with the #7, ending of cycles, lions, Indians/high priestess, and trusting my intuition. I have been meditating more.”
Her text 2:   “I feel as if I am starting to awaken a lot more and tapping into that energy source. I have also gotten messages about Gaia.”
Her text 3:   “I am now more curious and have more focused on connecting with my spiritual side. I am wanting to learn as much as possible and just trying to figure out where to start. I have ordered books and the sacred geometry being one of them. Furthermore, I have gotten books on crystals and chakras because I want a deeper understanding of them, and I can be more connected to the source.”
Me:    “Wow! I am so glad for you. It is the best result because right now you are having a spiritual awakening. And it is what you need precisely. Congratulations to you! Continue to raise your vibration at best because it will help your transition in the 5th dimension on the New Gaia. Namaste!”
Her:   “Namaste!”
Megan S.   Megan S.  San Francisco, CA
1/31/2021.  Mr. Kautsky is truly a gifted healer. I’ve done three hypnotherapy sessions with him, and I have been making tremendous progress in my emotional healing and spiritual journey. In fact, I have made much more progress with Vladimir than I have in years of conventional talk therapy.  Mr. Kautsky makes the hypnotherapy experience comfortable and not-intimidating.        He is amazing!

David J.  David J.   Historic District – South, Savannah, GA

1/30/2021. “My fiancée took me over to Vladimir for a session after she had a pleasant experience herself. I was a bit skeptical at first, but Vladimir really knows what he’s doing and brought me to a good and relaxed place. One of my main issues was my trouble finding suitable employment, and two weeks later I got a job! Coincidence or…? Vladimir doesn’t watch the clock at all, and he is in a very pleasant and safe area. Would definitely recommend a visit!
Alex C.   Alex C.  Tampa, FL
10/30/2018. Words cannot describe what a powerful experience it was to meet with Vladimir! I met him in June (a few months ago) at the Mind Body Spirit Expo in Tampa, FL. He was one of the many people set up there and had a small tent area with a sign about his hypnosis services. To say I was skeptical would be an understatement. But I was so curious, and after I greeted Vladimir, he was so nice and welcoming, that I wanted to learn more. He didn’t pressure me at all, but he explained the process, and I was excited to try hypnosis.
My goal was to help relieve my anxiety. I’ve lived with anxiety my entire life, so I was hopeful but nervous. I’m not great at ‘letting go’ of control, so I was worried the hypnosis wouldn’t work on me. I was wrong. It worked remarkably.
I’ve never been hypnotized, but Vladimir helped me feel very comfortable. I shared with him my goal to reduce my anxiety, and he helped me relax right away. Even though we were in the  middle of a convention hall, I felt relaxed and calm. I didn’t feel “hypnotized” because I felt aware of my dialogue with Vladimir, but I did feel less filtered. It was such a relief to answer questions freely without the over-analyzing I typically approach life with. The next hour was quite possibly the most relaxing, worry-free, weightless I’ve experienced.
When I woke up, I felt almost weightless. I felt like a huge burden had been lifted from me (even though I’m not sure if I could even pinpoint the burden before that.) I just felt lighter. I even wrote it on his feedback form at the end of my session!
Likewise, I immediately felt the benefit of the session, and I was less stressed, I was not over-reacting as much, and I was calmer. My friends and family even noticed it. I was so thankful that I encouraged my sister and brother-in-law to visit Vlad on the next day of the Expo. They had similarly powerful experiences, but specific to their own needs.
            For the last four months, I’ve been noticeably less stressed, despite everything around me. It’s amazing, but my mind has been in a much calmer and lighter place, and I attribute it to my experience with Vlad. In fact, I’m circling back to write this review because I was thinking of my gratitude and wanted to share it with others who may benefit. I look forward to visiting him again, when I am in his area.