Actual Sessions

Session: Goddess Lakshmi activation

A young woman and her mom wanted individual sessions in my Green booth. I started with her daughter and deeply relaxed her, creating a lucid dream. She told me she was near a waterfall but didn’t want to go inside. There was a cavern with some room inside, but nobody was there. Then she saw a red closed door. She began to cry, saying I had to go inside. I realized it was her Root chakra with stagnant, blocked energy. I healed it, and her Kundalini was probably released, and she found herself flying in Space with one big wing. It was an aspect of her higher spirit, and even she received her name. I recommended that they talk to each other to learn what they should do, and they did. Then I told her Higher Self to message her, but she said she received nothing. And suddenly, an unknown little boy showed up next to her. I immediately realized who he was, but told her to ask him who his mom was. She became emotional and cried, saying it was me, it was me. It was a spirit of her future son. I told her to ask his name and remember to give him after his birth, and she got it. Soon, we finished it with her complete satisfaction. We hugged each other, and she left.
After that, I worked with her mom. I realized she needed a deep cleansing and healing of her aura, hands, and heart. Her spiritual team and I did it for about one hour, healing other issues. Then, she received messages from members of her team. When I asked her Guardian Angels to give a message, Archangel Michael, with another Archangel, showed up, saying she is always protected because she is a Goddess. I asked them to let her know who she was, and she received Goddess Lakshmi (!!!) Shortly, I finished this session. She was so excited about what she learned over there and her mission. I brought her to Nancy, my spiritual partner and clairvoyant (, to learn more about herself and her mission.
Later, Nancy told me that Sanat Kumara appeared on my client’s side when I got her. Next, Lakshmi appeared behind the woman and then stepped inside of her. I could see the white light descending on her features as if she were standing in a spotlight. Then, a gold stream of energy descended (I believe it to be the 12th Divine Ray – The Gold-Opal Ray of Unity Consciousness). It looked like golden glitter raining down on her. It filled her palms with golden glittery energy. She spoke to the woman and told her to fill her palms up with this golden energy, and then she could turn her palms outwards and send this energy to others. (This golden ray sends the energy of manifestation, abundance, and empowering energy that helps us manifest our higher potential in this time). The woman and I could feel this energy in our hearts, and I felt this woman was activated with this Lakshmi energy to share with others. (That’s why I healed her hands and heart at the beginning .) As an aspect of Lakshmi, she had the power to send this golden energy with her intention to those in need. I was amazed to see all this with such clarity and felt the energy shift within me. Lakshmi didn’t want to paint with money in her hands but with golden energy and a heart connected to the heart of New Gaia (Earth). Also, she wanted more people to reach her energy. And as you feel, this paint radiates that energy. I measured it, and it showed me about 200%. My client felt a positive transformation inside her and was so happy about it.
After all, we helped my client with cleansing, healing, and significant golden energy activation to follow her mission. Namaste!

Session: Her healing on the spaceship

At one of my events, I had a session with a woman in her mid-70s in my golden booth. She told me that she had some issues with her blood, and she wanted my assistance because I worked successfully with something else at a previous event here. I deeply hypnotized her and created a spiritual support team who knew her. I helped to activate her inner resources and the exceptional guided visionary where she could find the source of her issue. She found herself flying into space with some beings around her. I asked her how they dressed, and she said they had the same rob style and color. I told her to ask if she belonged to them, and the answer was Yes. I suggested finding out if they would work with her blood issue, and she responded Yes. I asked Them if bringing her to the healing room on one of the spaceships nearby would be better. They responded Yes, it will work better. I asked her supporting team to get her over there, and they did it. She told me she lay down inside a healing room with various devices and more than eight beings working with her.
As she described what they did, I realized they used color therapy plus something else. They showed her on display where they worked inside her body. She felt calm, relaxed, and safe. I told her to ask for the leader of this group and where she was from. He told her his name and showed her somewhere behind the Pleiades constellation. Also, I asked her to find out the name of that spaceship, and she got that name from Them. When they finished working with her, I asked her about the results, and she said it was successful. I wondered how she knew that, and she said I felt delighted. After short contact with Them, I returned her to my golden booth and finished her session. She felt tremendous and smiled, and then we hugged, and she left with her husband, who recorded this session.

Session: Underwater Akashic Records library

One day, I had a session with a young man in his mid-20s in my office. After discussing the purpose of his visit, I deeply relaxed his mind and body, creating a supporting team and a guided visionary to restore his aura. He told me that instantly, the jaguar jumped in and stared at him, but he felt safe and secure. I told him to contact asking if he is his Spirit Animal or Protector. He responded that he was his Protector for this lifetime. I asked his Protector to explain what he was supposed to know about him. He received that Jaguar helping him tune in with his soul. I told him to ask for his name and gender, and he got an answer.
Then, my client found himself on a beach with his supporting team and jaguar behind. I advised him to jump into the ocean to cleanse his aura and body of negative emotions and feelings, and he did it. I asked the spirit of an ocean to help him with that. Also, I called out to the ocean animals to swim to him for their assistance and healing. He met one dolphin and a whale. Shortly after, he jumped on his back, and the whale swam into deeper water, showing him the underwater world. My client felt very excited with a raised body vibration. I asked him if Deja Vu was for him, and he responded yes. I told him to ask his whale if he had belonged to their civilization before. Yes, he did, and this whale was his best friend then, which reminded me of his name. After all, he brought him to the deep-underwater library and told him to go inside to learn more about his destiny. Before getting in, he signed a paper as a visitor. It was underwater at Akashic Records Library, and his whale friend confirmed that. He went inside, and on the third level, a Crab met him. He received a message from him that he was the Librarian and would assist him in finding the right book. He guided him to some shelf and showed him the book and page to open, and he did it. The text inside that book was in English. The octopus came to him with his leg, showing essential sentences, and he read and memorized them. After he finished reading, he felt like going to the fourth floor to continue learning about his detailed destiny, which he had received. Then I recommended that he finish it today and return later when the time comes. He agreed, and he had in his mind the message: Welcome back anytime. Then, Crab brought him to the exit, where his whale friend awaited him to swim back to that beach. And he had in his mind the message: You are welcome back anytime. Over there, I finalized his aura restoration successfully for his satisfaction. Then, I brought him back to my office and helped him lay down on my cosmic crystal bed to work with his ten chakras. I restored his chakras individually, and he received a message from each one. I healed them for better functioning and energy flow. His upper chakras were more open, and he felt a better connection with the universe. Shortly, we finished, hugged, and he left.
P.S. This session took nearly three hours, and I recorded it for him.

Session: She is Seraphim

In one of my events, I had a session with a young woman who wanted to receive seven higher internal messages. I deeply relaxed her, and she found herself in the Cosmos, flying by herself. I asked her if she could see something around, but she said no and added that she felt like a presence, someone invisible. I told her to look and see if she had wings and how many. She responded about three pairs (?) So, she had six wings over there, and I said it looked like she was Seraphim (the highest rank of Angels). Then, I asked someone’s invisible presence to communicate with her and let her know what she should learn. She became quiet, and I realized they were downloading to her. I was waiting until they finished it. Then I told her to ask them about her original name, and she received it. She told me that she observed a whole galactic system in detail. After all, she received her seven messages, and I finished that session with her complete satisfaction. After our session, she told me that she was guided to me by her spirit.

Session: His cosmic shamanic journey

In my office, I provided the second session for my client after his successful Aura/Ten Chakras restoration. He told me about his grief after his father passed away a few years ago and some issues with his vision in both eyes, even though he was tested and monitored by his eye doctor. I told him I was not a doctor but could activate his inner resources for additional information about their condition. He agreed. I deeply relaxed him and brought him to an alternate state. And he saw that his aura still had a green healing color. Because of that, I asked Archangel Raphael to let him know or see what was essential for him at this time, and the client received some vision and advice from him directly. Then I asked Spirit of New Gaia to let him know what chakras need his attention. He told me about his Heart, Crown, and Brow chakras, and I associated my crystals with them. I asked the Spirit of each chakra to contact him to help. The Heart chakra brought him to the Cosmos, where he met his father’s Spirit, and they had a private conversation about what had happened to him. After that, I asked if his heart was feeling better, and he responded yes, but not thoroughly. I helped him with forgiving prayers for both, and they had great relief and satisfaction. His Crown chakra sent him a vision of some scrolls on the table, and I realized it was his Akashic records. He confirmed that. He read and saw details about his future family, where he was middle-aged and delighted. His Brow chakra brought him into nature, where he met his Primary Spirit Totem animal. They had a long conversation about his eye issues, and he learned a lot about his self-recovery and cooperation with his eye doctor for success. Then, I felt that his upper chakras needed to be involved, and I gave them a chance to contact him directly. He found himself flying into the Cosmos, and five souls were there. I asked them to contact him, and they were his relatives who passed away even before his birth. He learned from them that they were his supporters in his lifetime purpose. After all, he received six messages from his inner team, and I finished his cosmic shamanic journey.
(I recorded this session for my client because he received so much information for analysis and action)

Session: His aura/chakras restoring

In my office, I provided a session for a student with his Aura/Ten Chakras restoration. He told me about his IBS issue for years, the grief for his past away father, and some more problems. I brought him to an alternate state and activated his inner resources for a successful session. He saw the aura color around his neck, abdomen, and legs as red, but his back was black. After cleansing and restoring his aura, he felt lighter, with a clear mind and no red color in those spots. He also saw how some negative energy subtles left his aura/body up for transmutation by St. Germain. And he felt only the top of his head had some hole for energy exchanging. I said that’s why we need to restore your ten charas; your Crown chakra is probably open too much. To learn what messages he received from his chakras about his issues, please listen to my 13-minute recording of that session.

Session: He is Son of God

I provided an Aura/Ten Chakras restoration session for a man in his 40s. Before the session, I asked Chakra Meditation Card Deck (from my spiritual partner) some questions about his issues and got answers. During the session, I asked each chakra Spirit to send him a message about what he was supposed to know about his problems associated with that chakra, and he received it. And they were the same as I got from Card Deck (?). After that, he felt so bright and shining, and after I cleaned his upper chakras with a golden shower, he had contact with Archangel Michael inside the golden mist around him. I told him to ask Archangel Michael about his origin (who he is) and got a response: “You are the son of God!” I told him to ask about his name, and the response was, “Mahaliel.” And by the way, his human being’s name means “Gift from God.” I believe there was no accident. My client was speechless but excited. After he finished his contact with Archangel Michael and downloaded information, I brought him back, and then I looked up that name on the internet and found that it was from the Bible and connected to God; also, a planet has that name (!). We shook hands, and he left.

Session: She was Goddess Athena

Session: He was a monkey king

A student came to my booth for a session at the Metaphysical Event 2024 in New Smyrna Beach. After a short talk, I realized he wanted to learn about his past lives, so I deeply hypnotized him and cleaned his mind/body. During his hypnotic shamanic journey session, he went from a pyramid in ancient Egypt to being inside an alien spaceship and being a monkey king in the jungle. If interested, please listen to my recorded session for more details.

Session: He talked to God, the Father of Jesus

Reading or listening to my sessions can help open your mind deeper and broader, revealing your strength, spirituality, and authentic personality.
A 9 y.o. kid came to my booth for a session at one of my events. After talking, I realized he was not a regular kid but wanted to know more about God and other spiritual things. I explained how I would work to help him. Then, with his father’s permission, I deeply hypnotized him, assisting in creating a guided lucid dream where he could find answers to his questions. After many things, he had a vision and contact with God, the Father of Jesus. If you are interested in what he discovered for himself, please listen to my recorded session.

Session: He was taken by aliens

At the 2024 Body Mind Spirit Fest in Roanoke, Virginia, a young man in his 20s came to my session. After a short conversation, I deeply relaxed him and cleared his aura. During our session, he shared with me that at the age of three, aliens took him from his home bed at night into their spaceship. Please listen to my recorded session to find out what happened to him there and after.

Session: I healed the second one

Reading/Listening to my sessions can help open your mind deeper and broader, revealing your strength, spirituality, and authentic personality.   
At the LEAF festival in Lake Eden, NC, in May 2024, a man in his middle 60s came to my booth for a session. After a short talk, I deeply relaxed him and cleaned his aura. I assisted him in finding an excellent place for his healing and restoration. He described it as a giant sphere like a sun, but nobody around. I asked if he could make contact, but the answer was no. Then I asked that sphere to send him a message or healing he needed. Suddenly, Archangel Raphael appeared there and started healing his chest from negative emotions, events, contact with others, and more. When he finished, my client said he began feeling his wings behind. I told him to expand and work with them, preparing to fly as a bird. And he did it. I told him to ask who he was, Angel or Archangel, and his name. He told me he saw many Archangels around him: Michael, Gabriel, Zadkiel, Metatron, and others. And in his mind came the word Archangel Uriel. He did some manipulations with his hands, imitating what they taught him. I told them to download what he needed to know and act on this time, and they did it. After his satisfaction, I finished that session. He was so excited about the result and hugged me. After our conversation about what happened to him and how he would improve his life purpose, he gave me his email and left.
(It was the second one in my practice in the last two years but in a different human form.)

Session: Her pure Cosmic healing

Reading/Listening to my sessions can help open your mind deeper and broader, revealing your strength, spirituality, and authentic personality.                                                                                     Recently, I had a session with a nurse in her mid-30s in my office. She booked my package of Person Wholeness with three sessions; it was her second session for spiritual healing. After discussing the previous session, I deeply relaxed her mind and body, creating a lucid dream for healing. But she told me that she still feels herself on my crystal healing bed (?). And I realized that she feared the unknown to be in a healing place. I explained that there was nothing to worry about because she was safe and secure with the inner team I had created before. When she realized that, she found herself on a beach near a house where she met a man. She knew him and felt a good energy from him. I advised them to swim in the ocean and have fun, and they did it. Then, I called out for dolphins to swim to them and play. Only one dolphin was around to play and teach them what they should learn from his wisdom. After all, she felt a significant relief in her chest. I told her she had released her hidden negative feelings connected to him, and she agreed. Then, I asked her team to bring someone to work with her healing. She found herself in Cosmos, floating alone and with no one around. I asked again to get someone to work with her, and I was waiting for someone to show up. But she told me her whole body felt gentle, invisible touching. I realized cosmic spiritual healing subtle energy worked with her on a cellular level (!), and she confirmed that. Even though that being was invisible to her, I asked him to give her a message she should know about herself, and she received it. After that, I advised her to have contact with him to learn what she needed to know. When he finished her body restoration, she said I feel like I am reborn again, and I said to her Happy birthday to you. He vanished, and she found herself on my crystal healing bed. Shortly after, we finished her healing journey in Cosmos. She smiled, felt terrific, and was excited about the results. After talking, she left.

Session: His space traveling

Reading/Listening to my sessions can help open your mind deeper and broader, revealing your strength, spirituality, and authentic personality.
One day, I had a session with a healer in his 60s in my office. He said he wanted to learn more about what he must know now. I explained how I would work to help him. I assigned him a Herkimer diamond, and that crystal instantly found a problem (pain) in his left shoulder and right kidney. I told him to ask his crystal to heal it, and he did it. (!) Then, I assisted him in creating a lucid dream. He found himself somewhere with a red-orange color around him. I asked Archangel Nathaniel to heal and advise him on what he needed, and that was done. After that, he saw blue-purple colors surrounding him, and I told him to ask Archangel Michael for his help, and he got it. When he finished his healing, I asked our spirit team to bring someone to contact. A reddish cow (his primary spirit animal) appeared and shared information with him that he was supposed to know. Then, I brought a spaceship with him inside, traveling to his original planet. He arrived on some Arcturus planet and got out of his spaceship. Nobody was there, and I called out to local beings who knew him to meet and contact him. About ten beings showed up, and he told me they were his relatives. I was quiet while they communicated with each other. When they finished, and he was satisfied, I brought him back into his spaceship. I asked our spirit team to bring him somewhere else if needed. He found himself on one of the Pleiadian planets, surrounded by a group of beings. After they finished their communication, he was satisfied. I asked if it was necessary to bring him somewhere else, but he arrived back on Earth on some beach. I suggested that he could go swimming and have some fun. At the same time, I called out for dolphins and mermaids to reach him over there, and they did. And six dolphins and one mermaid played with him and shared their wisdom and knowledge. After they finished and vanished, I assisted him in receiving six messages from his spirit team, and he ultimately got it. Shortly, we finished our session. He was excited about the results and left after some talking.

Session: Her nightmare

I share with you True Stories based on my Hypnotic Shamanic Journey sessions since 2006:
Recently, I had a session with a ten-year-old girl about her nightmare. Her mom told me that she has 6-7 months of nightmares and fears of going to sleep. Even her mom worked with her, but that girl still didn’t know the source of her trouble. I started to work with her in the presence of her mom. I deeply relaxed her body and mind, but at the same time, she continued contact with me verbally. She found herself on safari, being calm and having no fears. I asked her who was around, and she responded. “Lion,” I told her to contact him and find out why he was there with her. She did it and then said he was her Protector, but not the spirit animal. She continued to walk in safari and soon met her father over there. I told her to communicate with him, learning what he wanted to say to her. But it was not about her nightmare, and I called out to someone or something to show up for contact with an explanation of the source of her night trouble. After a short pause, she told me that Jesus appeared before her (!) I gave them a chance to talk to each other privately. As soon as they finished that conversation, I asked her if she knew the source of her issue, and she responded, “Yes.” I asked her what or who, and she said, “It is me, and I know how to heal it.” I asked her if she could do it over there, and she did something in the presence of Jesus. Then, I worked for her forgiveness. After that, she became a bluebird in the sky, flying with Jesus (!). He continued to inform her with some information. And before finishing that session, I asked her inner spirits to give her six messages, which she received. After all, she felt terrific remembering her journey and contacts. Her mom hugged me, and I left.
P.S.       Shortly, I received a text from her mom where she informed me that her daughter didn’t want to share messages from Jesus because he said it was for her only (!). I responded to her, that’s why I respect the privacy of all clients.

Session: His emotional traumas

I share with you True Stories based on my Hypnotic Shamanic Journey sessions since 2006:
One day, I had a session with a man in his late 40s in my office. He told me that he has so much anger, hate, and distrust, and he does not want to hold that anymore because it negatively affects his living and communication with others. But at the same time, I felt he was worried about my service because he never had an experience like that. I asked him what had happened to him in childhood or later created such reactions. And he told me that his grandmom raped him at 17 y.o. in his bedroom, then later, his sister was killed in a car accident. I asked if some psychologists worked with him after those issues, and he responded, “No.”  Then, I explained how I would work to help him. When he became more confident, I deeply hypnotized him, allowing him to see the aura around his body in colors because I realized he also had a broken aura and a chakra system. When I finished his restoration, he told me about his feelings and vision of a black lion behind his back (the totem spirit animal) protecting him during my cleansing. After that, I used my different techniques to create that scene with his rape which was the source of his hidden emotional trauma, communication with dolphins, and his forgiveness to heal his Inner Child. And he was delighted and smiled.
Then, I worked with his other emotional trauma after his sister’s death because he felt guilty that he couldn’t protect her even though he was in another place. He found himself in a beautiful garden with no one around. I helped him bring his sister’s spirit, and he recognized her, even the joke she told him over there when she was alive. I gave them time to talk privately for his understanding and healing. I also worked with his forgiveness when he accepted it and was satisfied. I sent him Divine light as much as he needed for his happiness and enjoying his living. Soon, I finished this 2.5-hour session. After discussing the results, we hugged, and he left me so happy.

Session: She was at home

I share with you True Stories based on my Hypnotic Shamanic Journey sessions since 2006:
At one of the events, a woman in her 40s came into my booth to have a session. She told me that, for some reason, she should be here (?). After our short conversation, I deeply relaxed her, helping to cleanse her aura and high chakras. Then, I assisted her in having a state of lucid dreaming. She found herself standing on the ground of some planet but looking different than on Earth. I asked her if that planet belonged to our galaxy or another, and she responded, “Another.” I asked her to let me know about her dressing over there. She said it was a long robe with some belt in the middle and something on her head. I asked her if she could find someone or something around attracting her attention, but she replied, “Nothing.” Then I asked some beings or animals who knew her to come in contact with her over there. She told me a group of people (men and women) who looked like her appeared there. I asked them to share what she needed to know or act. I was quiet while they contacted her, but I saw tears in her eyes, and she repeated, “I am home, I am home.” After she finished her contact, I asked if she was satisfied with the results, and she responded yes. Soon, I finished this session and brought her back. She looked so happy and told me this session exceeded her expectations because it was essential for her development. I wished her the best; she left so excited.

Session: Her healed soul

I share with you True Stories based on my Hypnotic Shamanic Journey sessions since 2006:
At the church metaphysical event in Virginia, a psychic healer woman came into my booth to have a session with a hypnotic shamanic journey. After a short talking, I deeply hypnotized her, creating a guided lucid dream. She found herself somewhere in a dark space. I asked her if someone was there, and she said no, then added that see and feel gray shadows around her. I told her to cleanse the negativity/attachments inside herself and assisted her with my technique. As we finished doing that, she said that flying in space and feeling the presence of someone above her flying parallelly. I told her to contact that spirit telepathically to learn about help. Suddenly, she started to speak so fast with emotions in an unknown language, but I recognized it was close to Lemurian. I was quiet and waited until they finished it. Meanwhile, she contacted it over there; I measured her vibration, which was 12D. Then I asked who it was, what language, and it was still there. She responded that it was her missed part of herself/soul disintegrated, moving inside her, and they spoke in a mix of Lemurian with Pleiadian (!!!). I asked how she felt after all. She said wholeness and satisfaction of completion. Then I wondered if someone else needed to come for contact, and she saw a long narrow tunnel of green light. I suggested going inside it, but she responded that it felt like downloading some information to her. Soon I finished my session and asked how it was. She smiled with great satisfaction and said that it was higher than her expectations, and now she feels more empowered to continue her mission here. We hugged, and she left.