At one of my events, I had a session with a woman in her mid-70s in my golden booth. She told me that she had some issues with her blood, and she wanted my assistance because I worked successfully with something else at a previous event here. I deeply hypnotized her and created a spiritual support team who knew her. I helped to activate her inner resources and the exceptional guided visionary where she could find the source of her issue. She found herself flying into space with some beings around her. I asked her how they dressed, and she said they had the same rob style and color. I told her to ask if she belonged to them, and the answer was Yes. I suggested finding out if they would work with her blood issue, and she responded Yes. I asked Them if bringing her to the healing room on one of the spaceships nearby would be better. They responded Yes, it will work better. I asked her supporting team to get her over there, and they did it. She told me she lay down inside a healing room with various devices and more than eight beings working with her. As she described what they did, I realized they used color therapy plus something else. They showed her on display where they worked inside her body. She felt calm, relaxed, and safe. I told her to ask for the leader of this group and where she was from. He told her his name and showed her somewhere behind the Pleiades constellation. Also, I asked her to find out the name of that spaceship, and she got that name from Them. When they finished working with her, I asked her about the results, and she said it was successful. I wondered how she knew that, and she said I felt delighted. After short contact with Them, I returned her to my golden booth and finished her session. She felt tremendous and smiled, and then we hugged, and she left with her husband, who recorded this session.