


My message to all hackers trying to breach this site: Would you please learn the Universal Law “What goes around comes around”? It’s about your Karma which works like a boomerang. So, go ahead if you want to hit yourself harder. But if not, I wish each one Higher Vibrations and Be in the Divine Light, Peace & Love for your Higher Transition with the New Gaia. Namaste! 

I invite old & new clients to my new Gaia Green booth in Ocala on April 26-27            (Shrine club of Ocala)

It is my 2025 schedule for various metaphysical events where you could listen to my presentation and have a session:   May 3-4/Melbourne,  June 6-8/Roanoke, VA, July – ?/Sarasota, ?/Port St. Lucie, 26-27/Tampa, September – 6-7/Ocala, 20-21/Melbourne, October – 11-12/St. Augustine, November – 8-9/Tallahassee.

Hints:  1. If you want to see my clients reviews, you should read the Reviews‘ page
             2. If you want to know how it worked for others, you should read the ‘Feedback‘ page
             3. If you want to learn that you are a spiritual being in a human form, go to the ‘Actual Sessions
                                                               I am amazed by your stories. What a beautiful gift you have to share.                                                                     I hope our paths cross one day 🌹“,   Theresa B,  10/05/21,  on Facebook
             4. If you’re going to have an advanced experience, you’ll see my ‘Cosmic Crystal Bed‘ page
             5. If you’re going to have a session, you could have some discount, see the ‘Booking‘ page
             6. If you want to help yourself & save a money, you should use the ‘Self-Cure‘ page.  (free)
             7. If you want more of my posts/events,

Good news!  I created a channel on YouTube: Please subscribe to learn more from my actual sessions and share it with others.

My sessions can help open your mind deeper and broader, revealing your strength, spirituality, and authentic personality.    I have been integrating guided lucid dreaming, deep hypnosis, inner child healing, spiritual facilitation, healing dowsing, shamanic journey, and past life regressions.

Any of my sessions can enhance or change your life for the good!

1) Ask Questions & Get Answers by Yourself from Your Spiritual Higher Sources directly.
2) Your Six Messages from Soul, Higher Self, Heart, Inner & Body Wisdom, Guardian Angels.
3) Past Life Regression,  All Ages Starseeds are welcome,  Contact to Your Ten Chakras/Aura.
4) Family spiritual facilitation, Heal your Inner Child, Anxious, Grief, Fear, Rape, Restless leg.
5) Release/Eliminate a source of painful/injured body part with your Body/Inner Mind Wisdom.
6) Your Local/International Cosmic Healing sessions on Skype for your well-being, and more.
7) Cosmic and Hypnotic Shamanic Journey for your private Guidance, Contacts, Healing, etc.
* A Cosmic Shamanic Journey is an ancient tradition of traveling within oneself for consultation, guidance, and/or healing. It is a profound way to conduct an internal private conversation and ascertain vital information directly. It involves the spiritual world for guidance, connection, and direct contact with higher spirits, including ancestors, ascended masters, deceased relatives, archangels, healers, spirit guides, power animals, angels, cosmic families, aliens, etc. Those beings are in constant contact with all levels of your consciousness.
I utilize deep spiritual hypnosis, shamanic journey, lucid dreaming, mindfulness, and advanced body parts healing. Also, light-life tensor rings, my crystals gemstones healing energy, the holy water, sacred geometry shapes energy, advanced pendulums healing energy, white sage, etc.

 Please use the Booking page for your prepaid sessions or my package

Warning:  Please consider your well-being feeling or changes as your addition to regular medical professional treatment that you have now, but not instead. I appreciate your understanding.